It was our Christmas Party time. Members and families got together at Botanic Garden for picnic.
Although the weather disappointed us a little bit, we tasted the Cafe brunch meals and had snacks which we brought with later.
Chatting, laughing and kids’ yelling and running. A short walk in the patchy rain was not bad.
Merry Christmas to everyone.
來到奧克蘭植物園作慶祝聖誕節的郊遊野餐。 雖然天公不太作美, 斷斷續續下著小雨,只能先在cafe吃早午餐,但是大家興緻不減,久未碰面,話題聊不完。有些人下午還有行程, 所以只能在細雨中漫步到停車場互道下次見。