Posted on Aug 26, 2019

2019 Aug Vocational Visit: we went to Sin Hong Foods, the largest Bean Sprout manufacturer in New Zealand.
From seed to the end product, all done within this modern and environmentally friendly factory. The owner even helps the Waikato council to purify all their used water then send it back to the river. What an excellent and win-win practice for the business and action their share for the sustainability for our precious environment, well done!!!

企業參訪活動 - 參觀奧克蘭最大豆芽工廠。看到豆芽的成長與收成到包裝的流程。 乾淨衛生又好吃。老闆還親切送我們一包包的豆芽伴手禮。謝謝。
感謝本社Samuel為我們安排如此健康開心的企業參訪活動。 👍👍

Link to: photoalbums/20190826-vocational-huntly-trip