20201218 斐濟風災需要緊急支援  Urgent Appeal - Cyclone Yasa - Fiji 
收到扶輪社要求緊急支援的電郵,我們馬上跟理事商討,並一致同意馬上支排捐出$500 幫助。
這就是扶輪人,採取行動的人。 可能性無處不有我們瞻望四處看到機會遍存在意想不到的地方,發現潛能當我們分享。
Upon receiving the email from Rotary RNZWCS request an urgent appeal to help Fiji. 
Our Club Committee immediately agree to donate $500.
It is Rotary, Rotarian, People of Action, we find ourselves anywhere and action to help if we can.